Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Karl Rove to sign books in Charlotte Friday

Karl Rove, former senior advisor to President George W. Bush, will be in Charlotte Friday, April 23, to sign copies of his new memoir, "Courage and Consequence: My Life as a Conservative in the Fight" (Threshold Editions; $30).

He'll sign copies 5-7 p.m. Friday at Joseph Beth Booksellers, 4345 Barclay Downs Drive.

Rove is now a Fox News contributor and writes a weekly opinion column for The Wall Street Journal.

In his new 600-page memoir, Rove tackles subjects ranging from early partisan leanings (As a Nixon supporter at age 9, he got beat up by a little girl who favored JFK) to his years in the Texas governor's mansion and the White House.

"Rove has fashioned a portrait of the Bush presidency that aims to shape history in his boss's favor," the Washington Post writes in a review. "It's the mother of all political fights -- one for the ages that this brawler, still at heart the bloodied 9-year-old, seems determined not to lose."


Anonymous said...

Maybe the senior advisor to Bush can enlighten us on how a country can go to war on lies.

Anonymous said...

He would but the email server lost of the data...ooops!

Anonymous said...

Impeach Obama.

Anonymous said...

Hey Anonymous@2:23 -
Got 2 questions for you:
1. After what happened on 9/11 do you think we were right to go after OBL in Afghanistan? Even BHO believes that was justified.
2. How long do you think we, as a country, should've waited before taking action against Hussein in Iraq? The guy REPEATEDLY scoffed at UN res. 1441 (and others). Read it for yourself.
These are "Big Boy" questions that must be answered by "Big Boys".

Anonymous said...

anon 2:23,

Obama said a nuclear Iran was not an option. Add that one to your list.

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh, maybe he will explain about the hoochie momma his wife caught him doing rumpie pumpy with. lol, oops, that was suppose to be sealed in the divorce proceding. lol, another Christian conservative republican that can't keep it in his pants

Anonymous said...

I wonder if he'll be signing his MC Rove CDs too?

Larry said...

"Obama said a nuclear Iran was not an option. Add that one to your list."

Actually Nuclear Weapons will NEVER be used in that area.

Why do you think everyone is so scared of the Weapons Of Mass Destruction being available in that area.

One word: Sand Yes sand, can you imagine the sand being thrown in the atmosphere?

If you imagine the current volcano travails on the world then imagine what would happen with a WMD?

We would block out the Sun and the last ice age would seem like a Summer's day in Miami.

But keep on thinking we are just worried about taking over those counties or that we are protecting Israel.

cltindependent said...

Poor President Obama, still cleaning up the last guys mess while other people get to fly around the country selling books.

Anonymous said...

What a sorry piece of trash. Maybe the teabaggers will throw a party for this killer.

Anonymous said...

Leave it to loser redneck racists in Charlotte NC to get on this article and post about impeaching President Obama.

This fool will split hell wide open one day for his actions and lies with Bushy and klan.

Anonymous said...

Rove has always been a liar and has manipulated many into wars and deceit. Someone needs to spit in the face of this sorry excuse for a man. Hell, he should be arrested for his crimes.

Anonymous said...

Fox News contributor? LOL. My god my god. He IS Fox News. Maybe this will draw out all the whoring soccer moms from ballentine to kiss this deathmonger's face. I hope they all burn in hell.

Anonymous said...

All the rhetoric from the left is sooooo predictable.

Nothing to say based in fact.

Your day is coming...let's see how cocky you are then.

artbe said...

Anonymous@ 2:50 - there has been some speculation that Rove is an agnostic. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Anonymous said...

You don't have to be a non-Republican to despise Rove for the self-serving moral coward that he is. Courage and Consequence? Rove hasn't had to face the consequences of his actions.

The air quality in Charlotte will hit the red zone when he arrives.

Larry said...

Anonymous comments, the cowards best friend.

Anonymous said...

Ol' Rove. I wonder if he will be bringing Scooter Libby. How can you guys continue to defend Rove, after he and Scooter outed a CIA agent. You right wing nuts are siding with arrogance, independence and Bush/Cheney/Rove gone wild. I think a citizens arrest should be in order on Rove, just like California. I think I will read the Teabagger manual on how to disrupt an meeting and the one about when someone speaks, you yell louder. Someone posted that the left posts things that are not fact. Like death panels, Obama being muslim and Obama cancelling the National day of prayer. Also,ones lik Obama held a Musilm Day of prayer-wrong! Shut your pie hole.

Larry said...

Yes civility seems to be what the left now wants. Why is that?

Anonymous said...

Did I read right (no pun intended for Rove's politics), he was beat up by a little G-I-R-L over JFK and Nixon?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, like "LARRY" is not so anonymous. Shut you bleeding mouth you Charlotte redneck.

Anonymous said...

To: Karl Rove and all his Fox News pshycos....

I'm burining in HELL. See you all here very soon!


Larry said...

How about my using Harry would that help?

Larry said...

3:44 thanks for showing us all what is meant by Anonymous posting is the cowards best friend, second place goes to the one before you.

Anonymous said...

His book should be "I helped devise a plan to murder the world". This disgusting liar and killer makes me sick.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he will take the teabagging soccer mom trash with him to hell.

Larry said...

Well said and see what I mean. This shows that this person have thought this one through and wants to make sure to not only denigrate whom they dislike but to have them pay for the rest of their lives for these supposed crimes they have created int their mind.

Can you imagine how much better this board would be if people had to stand behind their comments?

Anonymous said...

I stand behind mine you fool. I would tell you to your face that this man is the damned devil.

Anonymous said...

Karl Rove: May God NOT have mercy on your lying, merderous soul.

Larry said...

Yes we can see you are not a coward as we can click right on your name........ uh.....hummmmm.

Unknown said...

Just love these "shut you mouth" comments signed by Cowardly Anonymous. Such a left wing Punk

Anonymous said...

Nothing amuses me more than rabid left wing trash.

Anonymous said...

Did Karl Rove stalk naked congressmen???

Unknown said...

Did Carl Rove put Navy Seals on trial for doing their job???

Anonymous said...

At least Karl Rove can prove his citizenship. Nott too mention he isn't a muslim.

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:30 PM
If you had any knowledge about Scooter Libby case then you would know that he wasn't the one who outed CIA agent. It was Richard Armitage. Ignorance is not a bliss

Anonymous said...

Geez Liberals are a hateful bunch. Thought you losers would be happy now that America is headed towards socialism. Just don't ask for my gun when you need help.

Anonymous said...

At least Iran doesn't have the bomb. Oops.

W. Gheen (ALIPAC) said...

Rove is old news.

When will Lindsey Graham come out of the closet?

Anonymous said...

I'm still waiting for one of you left-lenders to answer 2 simply questions:
1. After what happened on 9/11 do you think we were right to go after OBL in Afghanistan? Even BHO believes that was justified.
2. How long do you think we, as a country, should've waited before taking action against Hussein in Iraq? The guy REPEATEDLY scoffed at UN res. 1441 (and others). Read it for yourself.
These are "Big Boy" questions that must be answered by "Big Boys".

No takers?

Anonymous said...

Whooopie! The architect of the lost decade!

Anonymous said...

"Whooopie! The architect of the lost decade!"

I didn't see Rahm's name mentioned in the article. Why are you dragging him into this.

Steve said...

What a country. Instead of rotting in a jail cell along with Cheney, Bush, Rice, Rumsfield, he is making boatloads of $$.

Oh BTW brave anonymous, Israel and the US have been in defiance of more UN resolutions than Iraq was. As we found out, Iraq actually was in substantial compliance with UN resolution after all! And we were flying over their sovereign airspace WITHOUT any authority to do so! The so called "no fly zone" was not sanctioned by any UN resolution(Look it up, it is fact.)

Anonymous said...

love all these loser "liberals" crying their tiny little eyes shut when folks speak out against obama and his socialist agenda, jumping out at Karl Rove who never had a whole lot to do with anything.

Liberal sheep on obama crack kool aide.

Bunch of hateful violent racists is what these liberal sheep are.

MT said...

THE LOST DECADE. Memories are short in certain circles.

Anonymous said...

To Anon 4:31:

Well - I'm a left-wing big girl, so I'll answer your questions:
1. No problem with going after OBL after 9/11. Best decision Bush made. Here's the thing - March 2003 we weren't going after OBL any more. I know we had people in Afghanistan, but the focus was on Iraq, which he lied and used 9/11 to send us there. Go watch the old speeches talking about how Saddam was involved and of course WMDs.

2. Iraq violated UN sanctions, not US sanctions. It was not the US's job to enforce the UN rules by itself, especially under false pretenses.

Anonymous said...

This slimy bastard and his cabal should be tried for war crimes. The man is a professional liar.

Mac said...

I'm sure there will be an odor of sulfer in the air that day. Rove is as unscruplous as they come. He once bugged the office of his own candidate, had the bug "discovered" and of course his Democratic opponent was blamed. Rove's guy won. And who can forget just how fast the subject was changed from Dubya's missing service records to Dan Rather and CBS's report. Once Rather was attacked, nobody ever seemed to ask how the original records went missing, nor who had both access and motive to the national archives in order to replace them with NEARLY identical copies - copies that were later "discovered" to be counterfeit by certain right-wing bloggers within hours of CBS's report. Rove had both motive - change the subject - and access as an official of the Bush White House. Draw your own conclusions.

Mine is simple - Karl Rove is a very, very bad guy. Dick Cheney bad. Or even worse; one might argue that at least Cheney might have thought he was acting in the national interest. Rove's interest has always been pure unadulterated power and the spread of ultra-conservative ideology.

Anonymous said...

I would be interested to know what his involvement was in the creation of bogus "felons" lists used by the Florida Secretary of State to remove 60,000 or so mostly African-American citizens from the voters rolls in the 2000 election.

Anonymous said...

For all you key board tough guys, I will be there while Rove is in the building watching you if you try to start anything. Just be aware of your manners.

Anonymous said...

Wow, you libs really should know that most military don't like you. There will be a few of us there watching you. Most of us are just a little pissed off at the treatment from the current administration, just so you'll know.

Anonymous said...

Remind me not to go to that bookstore again.

Anonymous said...

This guy belongs in The Hague. (Along with John Yoo, Rummy, Cheney, Scooter, et al.)

Anonymous said...

A brilliant man !

Mac said...

Sorry, but you intrepid Defenders of the Right who will be at that bookstore to “protect” Mr. Rove have nothing to fear from those wimpy libs. We're the ones with something to fear.

It's you who carry guns to political rallies. It's you who call the freely elected President a Muslim, terrorist-lover, socialist, communist, fascist and a number of other words you clearly know nothing about. It's you who blow up abortion clinics and kill doctors & nurses. It's you who bomb federal office buildings, killing hundreds of innocents. It's you who form militias that plot to assassinate cops. It's you who live in a frightening world of paranoid fantasy and worship violence. It's US who have every reason to be afraid of YOU. And with good reason.

Men like Rove inspire you. Men like Rove motivate you. Men like Rove cause you to stop thinking and acting in your own best interest. So, by all means, go to this event. Buy a book and get it signed by the man himself. But don’t waste time worrying about “protecting” him from us. We won’t be there. If you had any sense of decency left, you wouldn’t either.

Anonymous said...

For all you Bush derangement syndrom libs, please look up "Declassified 2006 WMD Report", as well as Iraq Yellow Cake removal in 2008. Yep, sure wish a deranged madman still had some of that!

Anonymous said...

Yep, I guess Mac will be behind his/her keyboard acting tough, but totally unwilling to face the "enemy". This is the very reason why your movement will never prevail, none of your fellow libs are willing to stand up for what you believe when faced with your "enemy".

Anonymous said...

My gun ownership is directly related to moron liberals in the court system.

Itstime said...

5:55 Anon -
Now your going to be the Nazi police to protect Rove? Should we assume you're armed and delirious, too? We are really scared.

The Equalizer said...

Liberals are the biggest cowards in the world. Believe me, I went to school with many.

They are gutless wimps who run and hide when confronted...and they think The Observer is great!

Go suckle at the government teat while conservatives protect your as*es here and abroad!

Anonymous said...

I wonder what the price of gas would be if Bush hadn't committed us to war?

The Equalizer said...

"You want me on that need me on that wall"!

-Col. Nathan R. Jessup

Anonymous said...

For all those deluded rightists who believe that strapping on a gun is going to protect society I challenge any one of you to find a news article about a "good samaritan" who stopped an armed robbery by intervening with their weapons. For all your bragging you lot are at least as big a bunch of wimps as those you accuse. I suspect that few of you believe in real democracy and would rather impose your views on the rest of society with your weapons if you only had the guts. Why don't you all just learn to chill out instead and learn what it truly means to respect those with different opinions and accept that you might lose an election once in a while.

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:24: Most of us who practice our 2nd Amendment rights know that we are a Republic, and we like it that way. Democracies usually end up in a totalitarian regime, usually after guns are confiscated.

Larry said...

"Mac said... Sorry, but you intrepid Defenders of the Right who will be at that bookstore to “protect” Mr. Rove have nothing to fear from those wimpy libs. We're the ones with something to fear.

It's you who carry guns to political rallies. It's you who call the freely elected President a Muslim, terrorist-lover, socialist, communist, fascist and a number of other words you clearly know nothing about. It's you who blow up abortion clinics and kill doctors & nurses. It's you who bomb federal office buildings, killing hundreds of innocents. It's you who form militias that plot to assassinate cops. It's you who live in a frightening world of paranoid fantasy and worship violence. It's US who have every reason to be afraid of YOU. And with good reason.

Men like Rove inspire you. Men like Rove motivate you. Men like Rove cause you to stop thinking and acting in your own best interest. So, by all means, go to this event. Buy a book and get it signed by the man himself. But don’t waste time worrying about “protecting” him from us. We won’t be there. If you had any sense of decency left, you wouldn’t either."

Wow you slap on a picture of a half naked Obama and you will have a Liberal best seller here.

Anonymous said...

Actually, we did impose our views on the rest of society, it was called The War for Independence. If it wasn't for the citizen militias, especially in the South, the Continental Army probably would not have survived. By the way, we chose self governing priciples and the rights to protect our individual Liberties.

Anonymous said...

I got something he can sign. Soon as he grabs the ever-loving Fox News head of it, it'll grow eight inches.

Larry said...

Hey 8:24PM

Concealed carry laws are dropping crime rates across the country. A comprehensive national study determined in 1996 that violent crime fell after states made it legal to carry concealed firearms. The results of the study showed:

* States which passed concealed carry laws reduced their murder rate by 8.5%, rapes by 5%, aggravated assaults by 7% and robbery by 3%;10 and

* If those states not having concealed carry laws had adopted such laws in 1992, then approximately 1,570 murders, 4,177 rapes, 60,000 aggravated assaults and over 11,000 robberies would have been avoided yearly.

Larry said...

Sorry I should have said 8:16PM

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:24: There are so many examples of an armed citizen stopping a robbery. There have been numerous cases here in Charlotte recently. There is a really neat search tool called Google and Yahoo that can find that for you. While you are at it, check out Switzerland gun rights and crime rates, you'll really love what you find. Then, check out the UK and gun ban/crime rates, that will make you smile.

Anonymous said...

Dear Karl,
They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. I'm very flattered. See you soon.

Schoene Grusse,
J. Goebbels

Anonymous said...

I don't care if one is black or white, Democrat or Republican, male or female, christian or athiest...anyone who think Karl Rove adds quality or value to the American political system doesn't understand the meaning of quality or value. He embodies much that is wrong with our political society today with his MO of trashing the opponent eith lies and fearmongering when not being able to showcase any positives of his own candidate. I do hope that if Cindy McCain sees him in adark alley, she'll follow through on her promise.

Unknown said...

Karl Rove--one of the most evil men on the planet. Period.

Anonymous said...

Pretty obvious that Obama needs to go ahead and start shutting down the Tea Baggers, Faux News, Rush the druggie, Beck, etc. They can't continue to speak out against what is right for the world and the work he is doing. He just needs to give the word and I'm in.

Larry said...

I said earlier that anonymous comments were the cowards best friend. I have now found that a blogger who does not share their profile and posts derogatory comments are even worse.

Anonymous said...

Larry, come on out on Friday and we'll see who the coward is.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Barry and Michelle have let Larry Sinclair join in recently.

Larry said...

"Anonymous said... Pretty obvious that Obama needs to go ahead and start shutting down the Tea Baggers, Faux News, Rush the druggie, Beck, etc. They can't continue to speak out against what is right for the world and the work he is doing. He just needs to give the word and I'm in."

All great movements are popular movements. They are the volcanic eruptions of human passions and emotions, stirred into activity by the ruthless Goddess of Distress or by the torch of the spoken word cast into the midst of the people.

Anonymous said...

Wow, shutting down free speech? Hitler would be proud.

Anonymous said...

@Anon 8:28: What you say has little basis in fact. Most democracies that exist in the world today have strict gun laws. If you think that a rabble of militias, gun collectors, and duck hunters is going to stand up to the US military and police forces you're deluding yourselves. The notion that a "republic" is somehow more enlightened forget the the USSR and Nazi Germany were republics. All it really means is that you're not a monarchy and I'd rather have a constitutional monarchy than one of the aforementioned republics.

Anonymous said...

Most of the gun crimes committed in Canad and the UK involve weapons smuggled in from the United States.

Anonymous said...

Larry Sinclair loves to give "head of state".

Anonymous said...

anon 8:25: BULLSHIT!

Anonymous said...

He deserves to suffer the same fate as his mentor - Lee Atwater.

Anonymous said...

Liberals are such wossies...
You Lefty lemmings out Yourself a favor.. go see the Man and `buy a book...Learn something for yourself and for our country....By the way..Bush has been out of office for awhile now...And The Liberal carnival of fools has been in "control" since 2006.

Anonymous said...

Leave it to the Ignorant Lefty Messiah Lemmings to ignore the vast damage that has been done to our country **recently

Anonymous said...

Fascinating column, and postings.

Hypocrisy, and ignorance is to liberalism as platelets are to plasma.

Karl Rove is like Sarah Palin, no political or figurative relevance to anyone or anything.

It's like a bunch of earthworms jumping out during an eclipse of the sun trying to gnarl teeth they do not have, and make points that could never be made valid under the exposing light of the sun.

Larry said...

The post above likes to compare things and judge them in their own mind.

Then at the end they wax.

Still nothing was added.

Hope their life is not like that.

Anonymous said...

Anyone with the courage to even listen to Karl Rove would do well to remember that he is NOT a 'brilliant political strategist', as the right wing likes to describe him.


There is a difference.

Dirty tricks, lies, outing a covert CIA agent (TREASON), election rigging (Mike Connell testified to his and Rove's involvement in rigging the Ohio vote in the 2004 election... and now Mike Connell is DEAD), firing of attorneys, fraudulent prosecution of Don Siegelman, former governor, and a long list of other political crimes.

CRIMINAL MASTERMIND. And he should be addressed and questioned as such... and his answers/explanations filtered through that information... at every opportunity.

I hope others rattle handcuffs at him at every appearance he makes.

Larry said...

Are you saying he is Criminal Mastermind?