Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Apply Now for Table Rock Writers Workshop in Little Switzerland

Charlotte novelist Judy Goldman, author of the memoir "Losing My Sister," will lead the memoir session at the Table Rock Writers Workshop Sept. 8-12 at the Wildacres Retreat in Little Switzerland.
Sessions will also be available in writing fiction, poetry and children's listerature.
Goldman says about her workshop: "We'll discuss coming up with that seductive first sentence or paragraph, finding your way into your voice, setting scenes as though you're writing fiction, using dialogue, turning the people in your life into characters the reader cares about. I'll encourage you to have a naive faith in yourself, a sense of optimism about your work so that you can keep going even when you feel you're about to step off a cliff."
Apply now through Aug. 15.
To register by phone: Cindy Campbell at 919-923-8857