Friday, September 7, 2012

Self-publishing versus traditional: What's best for you?

Some days on the book beat, I feel like I'm the only person not publishing a book. New technologies -- print on demand and e-books -- have made it easy and often inexpensive to publish. So lots of folks are doing it. And then they send a copy to me.

Much of the self-published stuff is still not so great, but that's changing, as more established authors choose to self-publish.

Want to learn more about it? On Sept. 15, Two Editors and a Comma will hold a workshop examining the pros and cons of publishing yourself or going the traditional route.

Two Editors and a Comma is Betsy Thorpe and Carin Siegfried, former editors with Random House and St. Martin's Press.Their instruction will cover marketing your book, finding an agent and launching your book. They'll also provide individual critiques of your first 500 words.

Cost is $250. Enrollment is limited to 15. It's 1-5 p.m. Sept. 15 at 7308 Quail Meadow Lane. More information: 704-608-6559.